What attracted you to work at Ascent?
Having had an extensive career as a Qualified Flying Instructor in the Royal Air Force and abroad, I was drawn to the opportunity of continuing my love of flying instruction and contributing towards pilot output for UK MFTS.
Working at Ascent has provided me with the opportunity to have a period of stability based at a single UK location at RAF Valley, on Anglesey, whilst still working as a QFI on a squadron. Ascent also offered flexible working arrangements which better suits my family arrangements as a mum of two.
What does your role as a BFT Qualified Flying Instructor entail?
I am part of a squadron instructing trainee fast jet pilots to fly the Texan aircraft, teaching airborne flying skills and monitoring the Trainees progress. My role also includes ground duties, supervising flying and monitoring the weather to contribute towards safe flying operations on the Squadron.
Basic Flying Training is the second stage of fast jet flying training which, on completion, the trainees get their wings and then progress onto the Hawk T2.
What do you enjoy most about working at Ascent?
I really enjoy teaching trainees and find the role very rewarding. I see the trainees develop over the course culminating in their graduation and being awarded their wings.
We have a good working relationship on the squadron, and I’m fortunate to have some great colleagues.
What are the benefits of working at Ascent & why would you recommend working here?
Ascent offers a competitive salary and benefits package including healthcare.
For me the opportunities for being open to flexible working arrangements is the greatest benefit offered.