I’m Bert Gowrley, Qualified Instructor (QI) at Cranwell. I’ve been with Ascent since September 2023, after completing 27 years in the RAF. I joined the RAF as an engineer working on fast jets, before becoming a Loadmaster at Brize Norton, then a Mission Aircrew Instructor (MAI) at 45 Sqn.

What attracted you to work at Ascent?

When I started working as part of UKMFTS in 2017, the MAI office personnel were made up of both RAF and Ascent personnel. It was immediately apparent that Ascent personnel had a ‘whole force’ attitude to training, and that the trainee experience did not differ whether it was delivered by Ascent or military instructors. I am passionate about training and was impressed that Ascent share that passion about maintaining high standards and continuous improvement.

What does your role at Ascent entail?

My previous role as MAI involved some flying on the Phenom and more time teaching trainee Loadmasters in the Fuselage Trainer (FUT). My new role as QI involves more classroom-based delivery, with some Phenom simulator functionality training. I have enjoyed learning new subject matter and I am very grateful to the QI office and wider Cranwell Ascent team for making my transition as seamless as possible. I look forward to increasing my MAGS and MEPT knowledge base before embarking on Prefect subject matter delivery.

What do you enjoy most about working at Ascent?

I really enjoyed my time in the RAF, especially my last role as MAI on 45 Sqn. I like the fact that Ascent personnel have a similar outlook and can-do attitude.

What are the benefits?

Working with a great team, feeling part of the UKMFTS ‘whole force’, good pay, opportunities for personal development, great private medical insurance for my family.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I have a wonderful family who I spend most of my spare time with. We like to golf, play badminton and tennis. I am a junior football coach for my son’s team, and a STEM ambassador for the East Midlands area.

Why would you recommend working for Ascent?

If you want to be part of delivering training to a high standard and have a passion for continuous improvement and personal development, then you will thrive at Ascent, as part of great team of like-minded people.