Our UKMFTS Directors’ Cup winners 2023
Congratulations to the FJP4 Planning & Scheduling Team, based at RAF Valley, who are this year’s winners of the UKMFTS Directors’ Cup.
The cup is awarded to the team that has best worked collaboratively across the MFTS partnership and was presented by Tim James, Cdre Langrill and Air Cdre Sharrocks.
Ascent MD, Tim James, said: “Big thanks and congratulations go to the FJP4 scheduling and planning team for this award. The Directors’ Cup recognises the successful partnership at RAF Valley across UK MOD, Ascent Flight Training and BAE Systems employees, who work closely together in the planning and delivery of the Fast Jet Phase 4 programme.”
The FJP4 Planning & Scheduling Team comprises IV and XXV QFIs, the FJP4 Training Manager and Schedulers, and the ITLOC team (4FTS COS, BAEs & DT) – operating on a daily basis to deliver the very best experience for the FJP4 trainees.
Left to right – Gp Capt Matt Hoare, Tim James, Fg Off Becky Macdougal, Terry Reilly, John Hughes, Cdr Mark Langrill, Pete Barry, Esther Howie, Wg Cdr Bruce McKenna, Ffion Ankers, Mike Wilson, Ian Carmichael, Wg Cdr James Boning, Flt Lt (F) Paul Wharmby, Jon Cowdry