Ascent’s Human Factors (HF) and Crew Resource Management (CRM) training may have already saved power company EDF a “substantial amount” of money in energy generation.

Following a trial course in July last year – which enabled senior training teams to evaluate Ascent’s course content – EDF calculated that millions of pounds worth of lost power generation had been saved as a direct result of the training received. 

CRM training has subsequently been rolled out to all personnel employed within EDF’s Heysham 2 site Reactor Control Room. 

The leadership team at EDF’s Heysham site pro-actively approached Ascent to deliver the training to support staff members’ understanding of HF and, in particular CRM, and improve performance.

Ascent’s training is based upon Civil Aviation Authority’s requirements for airline crews and has been tailored to suit the nuclear industry and its nuanced requirements. 

Five Reactor Control Room shifts at the Heysham 2 site have now taken part in a two-day course run by Shawbury trainer Graeme Longmuir this year, and training has been very well received.

It is hoped that annual refresher training will be delivered to control room staff. Meanwhile, Ascent is also working with EDF to expand delivery to key staff at more of its UK nuclear power stations.

An EDF team is pictured taking part in a recent CRM training course at Morecambe Football Club

Helping businesses achieve excellence

Ascent helps businesses/organisations develop customised HF and CRM programmes that make a significant contribution to safety and efficiency.

A successful programme depends on the skills and experience of the people delivering the training and the Ascent team meets and exceeds the regulatory requirements of UK Military and Civil Air Authority operations and equivalent regulatory bodies worldwide.

The aviation industry is recognised as being on the leading edge of HF and CRM training and Ascent’s trainers have extensive operational aviation experience. This enables them to augment the HF and CRM training experience with lessons learned and operational examples drawn from real life.

With clients from a range of industries, including aviation, power and military, Ascent’s bespoke training packages are tailored to suit your specific needs.

Our range of HF and CRM training levels are available for face-to-face delivery or live online, using our web conference and e-learning platform and include: Foundation, Recurrent, Human Performance Trainer, Trainer Refresher and Trainer Assessor courses.

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