Could mixed reality bring training cost savings?

Ascent’s Fast Jet Transformation and innovation continues to deliver at pace, with a trial of mixed reality software at RAF Cranwell.

In October, we were pleased to support a trial of the Cineon Training Aircrew Competency using Eye Tracking – Military (TACET-M) software. The software was deployed at RAF Cranwell as part of a trial to look more closely at the use of the latest technology.

The trial blended the use of a mixed reality headset within a Prefect Elementary Flying Training aircraft simulator. It was sponsored by Central Flying School and funded by the Defence and Security Accelerator programme. The innovation team provided support locally and facilitated the trial.

The TACET-M software uses the eye tracking capability of the mixed reality headset to provide a measurable assessment of trainee behaviours when undergoing training. It is expected that this will accelerate the rate of skills acquisition by the trainees and enable a more cost-effective training delivery.